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Blueberry 'Nelson' 3-Year-Old C2

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Blueberry 'Nelson' – Late Fruiting Variety with Aromatic Fruits

The 'Nelson' blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum 'Nelson') is one of the most valued varieties of highbush blueberry, distinguished by its late ripening period, high fruit quality and high resistance to frost and disease.

Characteristics of the 'Nelson' blueberry

Fruit size: The fruit is medium in size but very even in shape and size, which makes it visually appealing.
Taste: Sweet and sour, extremely aromatic. Firm fruits are ideal for longer storage and transport.
Yielding: The variety bears fruit late, from the end of July to the beginning of August, providing fresh fruit when earlier varieties have already finished yielding.
Shrub: Grows up to 1.5–1.8 meters in height. The dense and compact habit makes it easy to care for and harvest the fruit.
Frost hardiness: Highly hardy, well adapted to cultivation in colder climatic regions.

Cultivation and Care of Blueberry 'Nelson'

  • Position: It grows best in sunny positions, where the yield is the most abundant, but it also tolerates light partial shade.
  • Soil: Requires acidic soils (pH 4.0–5.5), permeable, humus, and moist. Regular mulching helps to maintain proper soil conditions.
  • Watering: Regular irrigation is crucial, especially during periods of drought and during fruiting.
  • Fertilization: In spring and after fruiting, it is recommended to fertilize with preparations for acidophilic plants, which supports abundant yields.
  • Pruning: Pruning in early spring removes old, diseased and weak shoots, stimulating the growth of new fruiting branches.

Application of blueberry 'Nelson'

  • Dessert fruits: Ideal for direct consumption thanks to their unique taste and firm texture.
  • Preserves: Great for jams, juices, baked goods, and frozen foods.
  • Commercial plantations: The shelf life of the fruit and its uniform quality make 'Nelson' a popular commercial crop.
  • Home garden: Thanks to late fruiting, it extends the harvest season, and autumn discoloration of the leaves adds charm to the garden.

Seasonal interest in blueberry 'Nelson'

  • Spring: Development of leaves and flowers announcing abundant fruiting.
  • Summer: The fruit ripens at the end of July, providing fresh blueberries until early August.
  • Autumn: Intense discolouration of the red and orange leaves enriches the aesthetics of the garden.
  • Winter: The shrub rests in preparation for the next season.

Decoration of your garden

The 'Nelson' blueberry is not only a source of tasty fruit, but also an attractive decorative element in the garden. Its late fruiting makes it a perfect complement to earlier varieties, providing fresh blueberries at the end of the season.

Plant Specifications

  • Flower pot: 2 liters
  • Height: 50–60 cm
  • Age: 3 years old
  • Frost resistance: Yes
Parameters :
2 Litry
Nazwa łacińska:
Vaccinium corymbosum
3 Letnie

Nasze Gospodarstwo jest wpisane do rejestru przedsiębiorców pod numerem ewidencyjnym PL 16/09/3299. Masz pewność, że nabywasz zdrową sadzonkę, hodowaną oraz pielęgnowaną pod okiem Państwowej Inspekcji Ochrony Roślin i Nasiennictwa

Manufacturer details

Powstańców Śląskich 61
46-024 Kolanowice


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